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Saturday’s a HUGE Day for St. Paul’s

Hello –

For the last ten days our campus has been humming with activity as teachers, counselors and other members of the staff of the new De Colores Child Center prepare for this week’s grand opening.

This Saturday is the ribbon cutting. Please be there! The information is below. Janie and Katie are leading a great team, who will be on campus starting at 8am to prepare the hospitality. As you’ll see below, the mayor, a County councilperson and the media will all be there as this important new hub of service for Marin celebrate its opening. Thursday, the 19th, will be the first day of the preschool.

The events of the coming week are the fruit of many dozens of hours of labor by our Vestry and many other volunteers. Our campus, moving forward, will have a new and, I believe, exciting new feel, with many hew ways to get to know our neighbors, particularly our neighbors from the Canal.

Please come on Saturday and welcome the staff and the families whom we will be hosting in the months and years to come. A new season is beginning at St. Pauls!

p: (415) 456-4842
PS. The official announcement:

De Colores Grand Opening Celebration
Gran Inauguración de nuestro nuevo Centro De Colores
Saturday August 14th, 2021 From 10-12
Sábado 14 de agosto del 2021 de 10:00 a 12:00
1123 Court Street, San Rafael

Classroom Ribbon Cutting:   10:15- Classroom Teachers and Home Visitors along with parents and children will cut the ribbons on the entry doors to their classrooms

Corte de Cinta en los salones:  A las 10:15 los profesores de los salones, los visitantes de los hogares junto con los padres y los niños, cortarán las cintas en las puertas de entrada.

(Early Head Start 0-3 classrooms, Early Head Start Home Base Socialization classrooms, Head Start/State Pre-K classrooms)

Campus Ribbon Cutting: 11:15 – Hear remarks from Marin County Supervisor Dennis Rodoni,  Chandra Alexandre CEO  Community Action Marin, Monique Liebhard Vice President Children and Family Services Community Action Marin, St. Paul’s Leadership Team, and Community Action Marin Parent Policy Council as we cut the “big ribbon” officially opening the campus!

Corte de cinta del campus:  A las 11:15 palabras del Supervisor del Condado de Marin Dennis Rodoni, del CEO de Community Action Marin Chandra Alexandre, del equipo de liderazgo de Community Action Marin y del equipo de liderazgo de St. Paul,  y del Consejo de Política de Padresmientras cortamos la “gran cinta”  de apertura oficial del centro.
Hosted hospitality (light snacks and beverages) generously provided by the St. Paul’s Welcoming Committee and begins right after the ribbon cutting.
La hospitalidad anfitriona del Comité de Bienvenida de St. Paul’s ofrecerá aperitivos y bebidas ligeras después del corte de la cinta.