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Safe at Church

Hello –

If you’re like me, you’re getting a ton of advice about what you should and shouldn’t do in response to the Coronavirus. What about going to church?

Well, if you seem to have genuine symptoms, please stay home. If you don’t, please come to church. Why face a crisis alone when you can do it in the company of others who love you and love God?

We are being extra cautious at St. Paul’s. We have hand sanitizer coming into church and up at the altar. We are bowing and fist-bumping for the peace. Following the lead of our Bishop. Bishop Marc, we will be offering only communion bread, not the chalice this Sunday, and the bread will be the discrete wafers, not the shared loaf, offered right after my hands have been sanitized.

Again, if you are sick, please stay home. If you are not but are, like the rest of us, mildly anxious in these uncertain times, come to St. Paul’s and remember that God is God and that you are loved.

And remember that Daylight savings is Saturday night, so we spring ahead, so what is now 7am will on Sunday be 8am.

p: (415) 456-4842