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Re-opening St. Paul’s

Hello –

On Sunday, August 1st, we will have our first in-person worship since the pandemic began in March of last year. I want to share with you why we aren’t opening until August 1st and what the process is likely to be.

The short answer is that if I weren’t taking my time away right now, we could be starting in-person worship this Sunday. However, before any of us knew what the timing of opening would be like, Chloe and I made our plans for family vacation. I just returned from ten days back east. It was a wonderful whirlwind where I spent great time with over twenty family and friends, and also slept in five different beds in five different states! We were catching up with some of our most important relationships.

On July 10th, Chloe and I leave for a relaxing vacation where I hope to do some deep recharging. I will be here at St. Paul’s for the next two Sundays and then I will be gone for the next three Sundays. I then return to the office on Tuesday, July 27th, which gives plenty of time to prepare for our first live worship on August 1st.

We are planning for a soft opening where we take one step at a time and make sure that we can fully staff and support all that we are doing. I’m not the only one who will be gone some Sundays this summer now that pandemic restrictions are starting to lift. So, to begin, we will only have the 10am service. Once we see who is actually coming to church, and who is now willing and able to usher, acolyte and do the altar guild for the 10am, we will start up the 8am. (Although we will encourage people to have social time in the courtyard that Sunday after worship, we don’t plan any extra hospitality on August 1st. If there’s interest and support, perhaps that can start on the 8th.)

I’m as hungry as you are to worship again in the church with something like our whole community. Distance worship just isn’t the same. Because of my vacation schedule we are having to wait six weeks longer than we might have waited otherwise. But the day is coming soon! And please pray that once we open, we are able to safely stay open.

p: (415) 456-4842