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Proper Link for 6 Week Small Groups

Hello –

The link in this morning’s email was incorrect. Here’s the proper one:

And here’s a more full description:

A Pilgrim’s Journey: Six-Week Small Groups
Join three to four other Marin Episcopalians for weekly meetings to explore how the classic pilgrim’s Psalms, 120-134, apply to your life as a Christian. With others, discover how you can apply the powerful language and images of these songs to your relationship with God.
There are three steps:
1.    Follow the link above to fill out a very brief form.
2.    On August 12th, leaders from St. Paul’s and Nativity will put together the groups, assigning a leader to each.
3.    The group leader will help you all find a time to meet on Zoom, to begin on or after Sunday, August 16th.
Each hour-long meeting will begin with a simple format, based on the liturgy for Discipleship Groups. After a brief check-in, using a brief form called the Examen, members will consider together a few psalms, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer. These groups are a powerful and proven way to help you connect with others and keep your spiritual life vital in this time of pandemic.
