Saturday, May 2 – 10am to 3pm Sunday, May 3 – 9am – Noon Duncan Hall
Dear Friend, Two, no three… THREE brief things (‘Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!): • Next week I lead the clergy conference in the Diocese of Indianapolis along with my colleague, the Rev. Mark Selvey. Mark is rector of St. Francis’ Episcopal Church in the panhandle of Nebraska and has brought TRP into two different churches.…
Hello – This morning, Easter morning, I have the joy of welcoming to our worship people I’ve not seen before, and people I see rarely. At the announcement time I have just a few minutes to give a welcome that might inspire a few to come back or to come more regularly. What might I…
Hello – We’ve started our biggest week of the year. Here, in one sentence form, are the things you need to know for this week and then the weeks to follow. This week: • Maundy Thursday’s service is at 7:30pm and is preceded by a dinner served by Grace Marin at 6:30. • Good Friday…
The Teen Success Breakfast has been going on for nine years now. Can you tell us a little about it? KV: We serve [breakfast] from 10:15-10:30, it’s short and very sweet. The kids light up when they see us, fill their plates and their bellies and then spend some time just being together, peacefully and often…
Hello – With Holy Week starting on Sunday and then, upcoming, the shift to a summer schedule, three things are going on hiatus, two for a few weeks, one until the fall. • Tuesday Bible Study doesn’t meet again until April 21st. We’re studying John. 12:30pm. • Wednesday Bible Study doesn’t meet again until April…
Hello Dear Friend, This Saturday is the third and final part of Building Your Spiritual Core, a three part series I’m offering that allows people to sink into the depths of what St. Paul’s and The Restoration Project offers. The first was a workshop on Discipleship Groups. The second offered an allegorical Grand Narrative of…
Dear Friend, This Saturday is the third and final part of Building Your Spiritual Core, a three part series I’m offering here in the Bay Area that allows people to sink into the depths of what TRP offers. The first was a workshop on Discipleship Groups. The second offered an allegorical Grand Narrative of our…
We are entering into a sacred and special time of the Church Year. We will pause from our normal kid’s programming and invite everyone to worship together over the next two weeks. March 29 Palm Sunday- We remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem 10:00am service Childcare available April 2 Maundy Thursday- We remember the Last…
Dear Friend, This Saturday I offer the second session of my three part series called Building Your Spiritual Core. If you’re in or near the Bay Area, I hope you come. (9am to 11am at St. Paul’s, San Rafael.) If not, I still wanted to give a preview of what I’ll be doing in this…