Hello – Tonight I plan to experience a ‘Blue Christmas’ service for the first time and I invite you to come with me. For many years, many of our sister churches have had these ‘Blue Christmas’ holiday services. These quiet services are intended to console those for whom December can be a sad time. Tonight,…
Complete With Figgy Pudding!
Hello – In the weeks ahead St. Paul’s offers a rich array of experiences to help you follow Jesus in prayer, worship and service. • This Sunday is the debut of our new Children’s Choir. They’ve been practicing every Friday afternoon and will even practice twice this week to prepare. Come and rejoice in this…
Hello – As you probably know, St. Paul’s is ‘ground zero’ for a national Christian reform movement called The Restoration Project. I write this week to ask you to fill out a brief survey which we’re also sending to our national TRP email list. The survey can be found here. St. Paul’s is the leading…
Hello – This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent, the season marked by the four Sundays before Christmas. We shift to the color purple, the creche will be in the Narthex, there will be a beautiful set of four Advent candles at the front of the church and, because it is the beginning of…
Thank You and Follow Through Hello – We had a very strong Stewardship Ingathering this past Sunday. Thank you to all of you who have handed in pledge cards for next year. But the work is not yet done! As is typical, we know there are some who have not yet handed in their pledge…
Dear Friend of TRP – This is the second of two emails (posts). Yesterday I shared with you three things that have become clearer about The Restoration Project in the last few months. Today, I ask you to take a few minutes to fill out a brief survey to help us have a realistic picture…
Hello Friends of The Restoration Project – A few weeks ago TRP leaders from California, Nebraska and Indiana gathered for a few days of prayerful reflection on where we are and where we’re going. This is the first of two emails that share the fruit of that time together. Tomorrow I will send another email…
Hello – This Sunday, at both the 8am and 10am services we have our annual ritual where we gather up all the pledge cards, bring them up to the altar and bless them. I write to encourage you to bring your pledge card with you this Sunday. If you’ve already returned it (thank you!) your…
The St. Paul’s Children’s Choir welcomes children ages 5-12 to join the choir Fridays 5pm to 6pm Rehearsals in the church Nov 13, 15, 20 & Dec 4 & 11 Music Director: Libby Silvestri Choir presentation Dec 13, 2015 at 10am Sunday service Printable FLyer Contact: Alison Blume alisonblume@comcast.net 415-858-2024 or The Rev. Christopher Martin…