Leading up to St. Paul’s 150th anniversary, let’s take a look at some of the former church members. Looking around the church we see many plaques that name former members of the congregation who are memorialized by their gifts to the glory of God and in remembrance of loved ones. Dr. Alfred W. Taliaferro is…
I hope you are having a peaceful Holy Week remembering all that God has done for us and preparing for Sunday’s celebration (and candy overload!) At the Maundy Thursday supper and service with Grace Marin, Christopher will extend a formal invitation to their families to join the kids choir. The next practice will be Friday,…
Hello – The most important things to know if you’re a Christian are the whole, rich story we remember in the next three days. Nothing can deepen your faith more than walking in the way of these three days by going to the three most important church services of the year. I know that’s a…
Holy Week is just around the corner. Sunday is Palm Sunday! This Sunday, while you are in church reading the Passion, the children will learn about Jesus’s journey as well. But, as promised last month, we will switch gears to learn about St. Francis, the patron saint of animals and all that is outdoors. Have…
Five Quick Hits Hello – Five things to bear in mind, even as we head into Holy Week. • Our three Bible Studies and the Sunday Spiritual Forum are on hiatus until the first week in April. (Tuesday 12:30 will be Song of Songs; Wednesday 10am, Exodus; Thursday 6:15, Job.) • In April I start…
Hello – This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and the most important week of the year begins. Here’s the quick run down. • Palm Sunday. March 20. Services at 8am and 10am. It includes blessing of the palms, the reading of the passion narrative and leaving the church is silence. We remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into…
Creative youth from our local High School were searching for a suitably old and beautiful church to film their tale of Anne Hutchinson and found St. Paul’s. Watch this short and beautiful film about religious freedom, with a climactic scene right at our altar.
Your Unique Call Hello – God has given each of us gifts. We become most ourselves and most fully alive when we use them for God’s glory. What are your gifts? How are you using them for God’s glory? I believe modern life breaks us into segments but Christian call makes us whole. For the…
Hello – Those of you who have been to the two previous workshops know that these are warm and yet powerful times of connection and learning. If you are not yet in a group, this is the perfect way to find out more, not just from me, but from others who are following this way…
Dear Friend, This promises to be a very rich and exciting Holy Week at St. Paul’s. There is a lot of energy and excitement in our community right now as we commit ourselves to follow Jesus together in the practices of worship, prayer, and service. I feel certain that God will bless us in some…