Hello – The coming week has one last burst of activity before things slow down for the summer. Chronologically, the upcoming events of the week are: • Wednesday at 5:30 there will be a quarterly gathering in the Upper Room to consider our Death Row ministry to our seven brothers in North Seg. This is…
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Click here for June Epistle
Leading up to St. Paul’s 150th anniversary, let’s take a look at some of the former church members. Looking around the church, there are many plaques that name former members of the congregation memorialized by their gifts to the glory of God and in remembrance of loved ones. The stained glass window on the left…
This Sunday is the Grace Cathedral field trip! The service is from 11:00 until about 12:15. We can find a meeting place and depart Marin around 10:00am. Please let me know if you plan on joining us; and we’ll coordinate. Our last day of Sunday School will be June 6th; Godly Play, Ice Cream Social…
Last Sunday – Pentecost! – the Holy Spirit filled our church, our hearts and our voices. We were overflowing with children (and girl scouts!) and singing (so much singing!) If you missed it, a San Rafael Girl Scout Troop announced their Spaghetti Dinner this Sunday in Duncan Hall to raise money for Downtown Streets San…
Hello – As I look back at the last month, I realized that my last three sermons crystalized three important conversations for our community. Below, I briefly sketch out what those conversations are. I hope at least one of them intrigues you. If so, all three sermons can be heard by going to the front…
10 Minutes Well Spent Hello – In case you missed it, here’s the link to this week’s short interview with the Primate of the Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Michael Curry, on the PBS NewsHour. He’s so engaging and articulate. What he said brought tears to my eyes and made me deeply proud to be…
This Sunday, May 15th – During the service, the kids will practice some of the songs the choir has sung in the past, like This Little Light of Mine and Amazing Grace. Ones a lot of you know already! Then once the service is over, parents and kids will meet at 11:30 at 5th Avenue…
Hello – This Sunday is the feast of Pentecost, the annual celebration when our sacred space is draped in red and we rejoice in the birth of the Christian Church. On this Sunday, we remember that the Church was born in tongues of spiritual fire just 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead. (The…