Hello – Sunday marks the beginning of the most important week of the Christian year. I can never say enough about all that you are invited to experience. Nor could I ever urge you strongly enough to set aside time and walk attentively besides Jesus as he humbly submits himself to the mighty acts of…
Dear St. Paul’s Families, Here is your update for the Spring as we look to Holy Week. This Sunday is Palm Sunday. I encourage the children to stay for the Passion. If we have a group of kids, I will take them out for the Homily and we’ll read some stories of Holy Week together.…
Leading up to St. Paul’s 150th anniversary, let’s take a look at some of the former church members. Looking around the church we see many plaques that name former members of the congregation who are memorialized by their gifts to the glory of God and in remembrance of loved ones. In 1955 Mr and Mrs.…
April Epistle
Easter Flowers! We’ll be filling the Church windows and draping the Altar with flowers and greens on Saturday morning, April 15, in preparation for the Great Vigil and Easter Sunday. You’re more than welcome to join us! Your Altar Guild would also appreciate your donation for these flowers, especially given in memory of someone you…
Looking Forward to May Hello – I’m looking forward to May. Now, you may say to yourself, “Christopher, that’s crazy! I understand why you might look forward to April, because that’s when we celebrate the mighty acts by which we were saved. I understand why you might look forward to June, because by then the…
Hello – A brief rundown of important things to know at St. Paul’s: • The Psalm-athon begins tomorrow, Saturday, at 2pm at Redeemer on Knight Drive in Glenwood. • On Sunday, from 11:30am to 12:30pm, Chloe, Mike Struck and I will help you create a good first draft of your own funeral plans, a great…
Hello – An ancient Christian practice is to read the entire Psalter, all 150 psalms, at one time. I first heard about the practice in an account of Little Gidding, which was a small community of devoted Christian families in England in the 17th century. They would start reading the psalms after Compline, at night,…
Hi all – I’m so sorry this is literally going out at the 11th hour. Libby will be leading Music Sunday School in Duncan hall and we hope your kids can join us! Weeks coming up: March 26th – Godly Play with Chloe April 2nd – Family Sunday April 9th – Godly Play April 16th – Easter Sunday – Egg Hunt! April…
Hello – I’m now two weeks into my Lenten discipline of fasting from contempt. I’ve just gone back to the article that inspired me, a column in the New York Times by philosopher Karen Stohr, and I am only more convinced by both the timeliness and the difficulty of this discipline. I commend the article…