Hello – The church will be open today, election day, from 10am to 2pm. You are welcome to come in and pray. As is our custom, there will be a temperature checker, wipes and a sign in book. Please wear a mask. Most of the time, I will be in the courtyard if you wish…
Hello – This coming Sunday, the 8th of November, is the first Sunday in pandemic where we all get to share communion bread and wine together in a safe way. It is also Consecration Sunday, a celebration of the generosity of St. Paul’s. This email is a step by step guide to how Sunday the…
4 Brief Things Hello – 1. Wednesday Compline, led by Chloe, is now at 8pm. Here’s the link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89521561623 Meeting ID: 895 2156 1623 One tap mobile +16699006833,,89521561623# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,89521561623# US (Houston) 2. This Sunday is All Saints when we read the Necrology, all in our extended St. Paul’s family…
Download the PDF: Sunday-Evensong Update 10.25.20
Hello – Five things: 1. Dear St. Paul’s community. Please join the mini-quarantine choir for Evensong on October 25 at 5 PM. The theme of this service is Peace and Light for our nation and the election of a new President. The service will be full of music, chant, and light. It will be transmitted live…
Hello – 1. If you or a loved one had a birthday or anniversary in either September or October, please email me at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com and I’ll be sure and read the name(s) aloud this Sunday in church and we will all pray for you! 2. A cool variety of small groups are coming together, some shirt…
Hello – In pandemic, more of our life common life at St. Paul’s has shifted to small groups. This email is an invitation for you, today, to sign up to join a small group whose sole purpose is to support you and the other members of the group in a vibrant spiritual life. Here’s the link. But…
Hello – I am dying to get back into a regular small group and this week is my chance! As you may know, we have had two rounds of six-week long small groups this year. The first one focused on the Great Commandment and had a focus on loving our neighbor in the time of…
Hello – The feast of St. Francis’ is tomorrow and we will celebrate his life and witness at 4:30pm on Zoom with blessing of animals and some social time. Please follow this link to join us at 4:30pm whether or not you own an animal. It will be wonderful to see you, to pray with…
Hello – I, for one, was so grateful to hear our Presiding Bishop preach this past Sunday and to worship at distance at our Cathedral. It is good to be reminded that, as Episcopalians, we are intimately connected to a much larger family of Christians. Thank you to each of you who joined me last…