Hello – Here are the major events in the next month at St. Paul’s, from this Saturday’s preview of Be Still to the Epiphany Pageant on Sunday, January 5th. 12/14 Be Still: A Preview. 9am in Duncan HallAn hour long combination of teaching and discussion for a Transcending Contempt Practice Group. 12/16 Singalong for Saints and…
Dear Friends, This Saturday, December 14th, at 8:45am, I will be hosting a Review/Preview of Transcending Contempt. It will be at St. Paul’s in Duncan Hall and last just one hour. We will be reviewing the work of the First Transcending Contempt Seminar and Practice Group. I’ve written up the primary teachings and will have…
Hello – Here’s a quick rundown of the major events into early January at St. Paul’s. 11/23 Saturday Death Row Christmas Cards. Join us at 3pm in Duncan Hall for music and snacks as we write simple Christmas Cards to our 20 friends on the Row. 12/14 Saturday Preview of Be Still. Come at…
Our own Mike Green is working with the Rotary Club of Marin to furnish a home for a family in need. Their story and what would make their new-to-them house a real home can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/nov23welcoming . Can you help? Please go to the link above to sign up to help. The donation drop off…
Hello – This Sunday we do two things to mark the shift toward remembering the birth of our Lord. First, we honor one of the Old Testament images for Jesus, the Wisdom from on high, by the choir chanting at the beginning of the service and an image on a small banner. Each Sunday we…
Hello – There seems to be a particularly tricky email going out right now that pretends to be from me. Please always check the email that it’s coming from. If it’s not cmartin@stpaualssanrafael.org or c.h.mrtn@gmail.com, it’s not from me. If you got one of these, I don’t think you’ve been hacked. Rather people hunt around to find emails…
Hello – Here are three things to strengthen your soul through the election: 1. A PrayerAlmighty God, to whom we must account for all our peers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be…
Hello – Three things: 1. At tomorrow’s 10am Bible Study we will begin to wrap our minds and hearts around one of the three most important events in the Old Testament, the Babylonian Captivity. We’re going to be reading both portions of the histories and six of the minor prophets. At least one new person will be…
Hello – One of the most moving and powerful things we do each year is to read aloud the list of all who have died in the last year on All Saints’ Sunday. All Saints’ Sunday is a week from this Sunday, on November 3rd. If you have had a family member or someone very close…
Hello – Two weeks from the time I am writing these words, our hearts and minds will likely be consumed with the unfolding of the election. At St. Paul’s, we offer hope and prayer to help us all stay clear and centered through the coming months. Here are three invitations: 1. Hope. This Saturday at 8:45am in…