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News & Photos (Page 18)

Shop’s Open!

I’m here at St. Pauls, the blessed TrueVine chalices are out on the porch of Duncan Hall, and the church doors are open. You are welcome to come by any time today and pick up your chalices for this evening‘s 5pm service. I’ll be here until 1pm and then I will be delivering chalices to…

Christmas at St. Paul’s

Hello – There are three steps to Christmas at St. Paul’s. These are an optional brief service tomorrow night, Wednesday, at 5pm. Pick up or delivery of TrueVine communion mini-chalices is on Thursday during the day and our Christmas Eve service is at 5pm. 1. Tomorrow, Wednesday at 5pm we have a brief Eucharist service,…

Worship is now also on Youtube

Hello – You can now also access our worship on Youtube. We gave it a trial run with a few folks last Sunday and it worked splendidly. It is easier to access than Facebook live. However, it doesn’t yet include a way to share comments. Give it a try tomorrow and then use the Youtube…

Bible Studies and Christmas

Hello – This week I have two sets of announcements, one about our Bible Studies, the other about Christmas. 1. Bible Studies. As it happens, both of our Bible Studies switch to new books this coming week. On Wednesday the 10am Bible Study begins reading the book of Ruth, and then we will go one to read…

“Time to Double Down”

Hello – I imagine that, like me, you have been tracking with some care the news of the recent spike in Covid cases and the expectation that things are likely to get worse before they get better. The news headline I quote in the title of this email is just one example of many. In…

Thanksgiving Into Advent

Hello – I hope you all are staying safe and finding ways to safely connect with the ones you love this Thanksgiving in pandemic. I conclude this email with a lovely prayer to bear in mind and heart on Thursday. In the meantime, three things to know: • The Martha Collective is offering a Mom’s Mini-Retreat…

5 Quick Ones

Hello – 1. Consecration Sunday was a great success! Not only was it a joy to see so many people, we also, according the Consecration Sunday formula, increased giving by 9.6%! If you haven’t yet sent in your Consecration Sunday card with your estimate of giving, please do. 2. Richard’s friend, Father Terry Ryan is…

Consecration Sunday: Final Instructions

Hello – Tomorrow is a big day for St. Paul’s. It is both Consecration Sunday and the first time we have shared communion in pandemic. Here’s how you might experience it: 10am Sign on to Facebook Live. You can access this through our website, It may then take a little search as Facebook likes…