Hello – • Please let me know if you or someone you love has an anniversary or birthday in the month of December so that we can pray for you or them on Sunday. Email me at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com. • The Singalong for Saints and Sinners is this Monday at 7pm. Bring your neighbors and friends!…
Hello – 3 Quick Things: 1. Angel Tree Gifts are due tomorrow. If you’re going to be delayed, email Janie at janieburtch@gmail.com so we don’t buy a present needlessly. 2. Christmas Singalong for Saints and Sinners is Monday, December 20th at 7pm. You won’t want to miss it! Invite your friends, neighbors and acquaintances! 2. Christmas Services…
Hello – As advertised… 1. Our Thursday Bible Study begins Paul’s great letter to the Romans this Thursday at 6pm. Email me a c.h.mrtn@gmail.com for the link. Check it out this week to see if this is something you’d like to do regularly. 2. Bishop Marc will be with us this Sunday to visit and lead…
Hello – This Sunday the season of Advent begins with the first of four Sundays that prepare our hearts to receive the baby Jesus. Here are a few things to keep in mind: • On Thursday, December 2nd we begin a study of the great biblical book of Romans in our evening Bible Study on…
Hello – Four Things: 1. Last call for the Necrology. This Sunday, I read aloud the names of all the loved ones from our greater St. Paul’s family who have died in the last year. Email me the name of a loved one at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com if you would like their name read aloud. 2. The Angel…
Nov. 12, 2021 Hello Church A fun thing happened today, I opened my last box. Where I will put it is another matter, but nevertheless, all is opened and somewhat accounted for-oh joy, oh rapture. I have also gone through many a varied email, and found the pictures Bruce Burtch took of my last day.…
Hello – I am aiming my thoughts, intentions and prayers towards three things in the next few months. I invite you to consider doing the same. These three things are…. 1. Sunday, December 5th, which is the day Bishop Marc visits St. Paul’s. In preparation for his visit, I’m asking the Vestry, and now I’m…
Hello – Whether or not you are participating in any other part of the Mary weekend, you are welcome tomorrow on the St. Paul’s campus for the Open House. Here are the particulars: Open House at church, 1-4 p.m. – come to Church for an Open House that includes learning how to make and pray…
Hello – Tomorrow at 7pm the Mary Weekend begins with 45 minutes on Zoom. I have a new personal discovery about Mary to share, Jacob and Judy will orient us to the weekend, Libby will sing some songs and Tanner will close us out with Compline. Here’s the info: Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83116007138?pwd=QWxkY3NJdkRZZE1KRVIwbG9uaVliUT09 There are still…
Hello – Three things to carry us through the next ten days: 1. This Sunday we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries from the month of October. Please email me at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com if you or someone you love has had either in October. 2. Tomorrow your RenewalWorks crew gathers to assembly the boxes for the Mary weekend. Please sign…