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St. Paul’s Blog

We Are a Purple Church

Dear Friends- We are neither a red church nor a blue church, we are a purple church. I want to share with you three things about what that means for us at St. Paul’s. I write because I’m aware of a few small misunderstandings and anticipate that things will get more stressful. 1. Jesus in…

A Weekend for Lent

Hello – You have three opportunities to begin a small group practice for Lent this weekend. 1. Tomorrow at 8:45am in Duncan Hall I hope to create anywhere from one to three new Discipleship Groups. 8-10 folks have indicated that they will be coming. I’ll play a little bit of matchmaking and invite each of these groups…

Opportunities for Lent

Hello – In the next ten days St. Paul’s provides you with various ways to practice a Holy Lent. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday with services at noon and 6pm. The noon service will be broadcast. Thursday the 6pm Zoom Bible Study begins to read Paul’s great, short letter to the Phillipians. Friday the parents gather at 5:45 for…

Preparing for Lent

Hello – With Lent approaching, there are a variety of ways to deepen your spiritual life and your sense of belonging at St. Paul’s. • The 10am Wednesday Bible Study begins to read the book of Daniel next week. Join us as we both read this colorful and exciting book and look at the whole trajectory of apocalyptic literature…

Transcending Contempt Practice Groups

Hello – For the last year the heart of my work has been Transcending Contempt Practice Groups. Last January, last September, and again this January, I started weekly Saturday morning Practice Groups. Each group helped us use God’s love and power to avoid the trap of treating our fellow human beings as less than fully human. Many…

Upcoming Events

Hello – Here are four upcoming events: 1. Tomorrow is the last teaching of Be Still, a Transcending Contempt Practice Group. I’ll be teaching on loving our neighbors like sonar. Newcomers are welcome. 8:45am in Duncan Hall. 2. Friday, February 28th the Young Adult Retreat begins at St. Columba’s in Inverness. So far, 13 people are signed up.…

Annual Meeting Sunday

Hello – This Sunday, right after our 10am worship service, is our Annual Meeting in Duncan Hall. Lunch will be served and we will be finished by 12:30pm. For the first time, it will be broadcast on our YouTube channel and on Facebook, just like our Sunday worship. At the Annual Meeting we elect new…

Meet Francisco

Hello – As of the first of the year, St. Paul’s has a new Music Director, Francisco Ortiz. This Sunday, after the 10am service, is your opportunity to meet Francisco and his family at the conversation end of Duncan Hall. Francisco should be a familiar face to many of you as he has been a part of our…

Your Soul’s Hygiene

Hello – Hygiene is a science that deals with the practices and conditions that help people maintain good health. What I’m offering on Saturday morning are practices and conditions that help you maintain good health for your soul. Americans now spend, on average, two hours a day on social media. That’s not good for the…

Be Still: Three Pillar Practices

Hello – I taught the first session of our new Transcending Contempt Practice Group yesterday. Here’s the teaching on YouTube. The three pillar practices are Breath, Stability and the Sacred Word. I believe these are practices we can all benefit from, just as we all benefit from getting enough sleep, exercising and brushing our teeth. Finding…