Hello –
As a reminder, we are moving our entire operation up to Nativity Church on 333 Ellen Drive in San Rafael for the month of May while the old courtyard is being torn out and the new one installed. In this email, I want to tell you about worship.
The good news is that Sunday worship will be exactly the same schedule we’re used to. Like St. Paul’s, Nativity has an 8AM service without music and a 10am service with music. That schedule will continue and all of the essential duties will be divided between the two churches. So, you can stay with your usual Sunday morning rhythm, just in a different location.
Further, I ask you to consider taking at least one Sunday to worship at our other neighboring Episcopal parish of Redeemer, on 123 Knight Drive in Glenwood. At least three of you have said that you will simply worship there for the month of May. The Vicar of Redeemer, the Rev. Daniel London, has been the head of our Marin Episcopal Youth Group for the last five years and is known and loved by many of you. Their service is at 10am.
On a final note, I want to thank the many of you who made Holy Week such an extraordinarily powerful week this year. I was particularly moved to hear the depth and enthusiasm of the singing and the liturgical responses. It felt to me that we took another strong step forward in being a community grounded in the love of Jesus.