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Love, Money, Growth

Hello –

For the last six months, when I have been meeting with the Vestry, the RenewalWorks group or with a combined group of staff and lay leaders, I have talked about love, money and growth.

By love, I mean “do the people of St. Paul’s know that they are loved? That we love them? That God loves them?” And so we have made sure to make little gestures like sending postcards, making calls, delivering TruVines and so on. We’ve wanted to make sure that, even in pandemic, we stay as connected as possible.

Money means that, although we are so grateful for the opening of the new De Colores School on our campus in August, we are also mindful that the new school brings in $80,000 a year less than the last school. So, for example, leadership is working hard to rent out the second floor offices in the education wing, have continued to support efforts to increase Legacy giving and have requested annual assessment relief from the Diocese of California.

By the end of May, all of our efforts to both stay connected with our brothers and sisters in Christ and to generate more income were up and running. Both require constant vigilance and attention, but neither require the creativity and start-up energy of a couple of months ago.

So, this month, the Vestry and other leaders have shifted our primary attention to growth. How can St. Paul’s, post-pandemic, attract and retain significant numbers of new people? I have shared with leadership a simple sentence I now share with you. It comes from a Church leader in England who has carefully studied those few churches in England that are experiencing strong growth. This researcher, David Goodhew, repeatedly says “churches that intend to grow, tend to grow.”

Those of us among the Vestry, the RenewalWorks Group and the staff are beginning, this month, to set deeply in our hearts and in our practices the intention to grow. I invite you to do the same right now. When we open for in-person services, starting August 1st, you’ll hear me say often “churches that intend to grow tend to grow.” Together, we’ll begin exploring ways to translate that phrase into actions and practices.

In the meantime, stay safe. I’ll be with you this Sunday and throughout next week. Chloe and I then leave on vacation on Saturday July 10th and return late on Monday the 26th. Jude and Stephanie will be leading Sunday worship in my absence.

I can’t wait to worship with you in person!

p: (415) 456-4842