Our Kid’s programs are on hiatus for the summer. Sunday morning programming will resume on Sunday 9/14 and evening youth group will resume on Sunday 9/7.
Nursery Care-Infant through Pre-K Sunday 9:30am -11:30am
Children of all ages are welcome to participate in our worship, but we do have childcare available each Sunday for our youngest parishioners.
Kids’ Program – Kindergarten – 6th Grade – Sunday 9:50am
Our mission for our youngest parishioners is to provide a safe space for their spiritual growth and development and to integrate them fully into the common life of St. Paul’s. Coinciding with the school year we will offer lessons and activities that complement the current bible readings and liturgical season.
Family Sunday – Second Sunday of each month
The second Sunday of each month we will skip our children’s programming and worship together.
Youth Readers, Acolytes, and Greeters
When children reach the age where they have the desire and maturity to participate in the running of the service, we are happy to provide the necessary training to do so.
More info: Tenesa Vuillemenot, Kids’ Programs Coordinator tenesa@stpaulssanrafael.org / 415.456.4842
Youth Group – Sun 5pm, ages 11-18, Church of The Nativity, San Rafael
St. Paul’s participates in a collaborative youth ministry with four other Episcopal churches in Marin – Nativity, Redeemer, St. Francis and Christ Church. Junior High and Senior High Youth Group meet in the upper rooms of the Episcopal Church of the Nativity on Sunday evenings at 333 Ellen Drive in San Rafael.
Mission: To encounter Christ in Scripture, prayer and service to the poor. We will pursue this mission by wrestling with lectionary-based lessons, practicing Compline prayer, and serving the poor in creative ways.
The Reverend Daniel London, Youth Group Leader
daniel.london@gmail.com / 408-823-8232
Young Moms Marin
Who: Teen Moms and their kids served by Marin Episcopalians, many from St. Paul’s.
What: Offering a reliable support group for the moms and well structured care for the kids, including good food for all.
When: Friday afternoons from 3pm to 5pm.
Where: St. Paul’s at 1123 Court St., San Rafael.
Why: Because both the moms and their kids need loving parents so we are creating a safe, nutritious, loving and good humored home on Friday afternoons.
How: Contact Carolyn at cheitel813@gmail.com to schedule a time to drop by.
Teen Success Breakfast
Who: Probationary Youth at the County Community School served by Marin Episcopalians, many from St. Paul’s.
What: The Teen Success Breakfast- hot breakfast served to order
When: Three mornings a week from 8:00 to 8:30, plus prep time
Where: The County Community School at 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael
Why: Because without it, the students show up late and hungry and, like all of us, they need to know they are loved
How: Contact Keira Vicente at keiravicente@yahoo.com or 415.684.2670 to schedule a ‘come and see’ visit.