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Jay’s Great Tour, Rite One, Highlights

Hello –

Here are three things I’d love for you to know:

1. This Sunday, after the 10am service, Jay Luther will be giving his inimitable tour of the inside of our church with all of its rich, quirky and sometimes deeply moving stories. Over the years, this tour has become something like an entrance rite into the community of St. Paul’s. Don’t miss it!

2. Because it’s the first Sunday in Lent we’re going to do something new and switch to Rite One at the 10am service. The structure and almost all of the prayers stay the same except they switch to the dignified vocabulary and cadence of Elizabethan English. (And we also get the return of our new Children’s Choir!)

3. The Sunday of our Annual Meeting had many highlights. Here are a few:

Chloe presented our new monthly Epistle for you to pick at church (unless you are a shut-in)….John presented a healthy balanced budget for 2016…. we elected John, Ginny and Pierce to the Vestry…there was a long, spontaneous and heartfelt expression of gratitude from many people for the many people (maybe including you!) who make St. Paul’s healthy and vibrant through their volunteer efforts… I shared that the three main areas of attention for me and many of our leaders this year will be community building, completing the courtyard and beginning preparations for our 150th anniversary in 2018.

God is good. I look forward to seeing many of you today and tomorrow as you come in to get your pictures taken for our new photo directory.

May you have a blessed Lent.


p: (415) 456-4842