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Holy Week – A Chance to Invite

Hello –

A quick run down of services and then a beautifully crafted invitation to invite others written by my friend and colleague, Nathan. (I was going to take his idea and modify, but he put it so well, I’m simply stealing!)

Holy Week

Sunday– Palm Sunday services at 8am and 10am with blessing of the palms and passion narrative.

Monday– Stations of the cross at Church of the Redeemer, 123 Knight Drive, at 7pm.

Wednesday– Tennebrae at Church of the Nativity, 333 Ellen Drive, 7pm. (Brigitte is helping to lead this.)

Thursday– Maundy Thursday service at 7pm with foot washing and stripping of the altar. Preceded at 6pm with a soup supper served by Grace Marin in Duncan Hall.

Friday– Good Friday service at noon.

Saturday– Easter Vigil Service at 7pm with baptism. Shared with Redeemer and Nativity.

Sunday– Easter Sunday services at 8am and 10am.

Finally, the stations of the cross are also up again at St. Paul’s. We will have a service at 10am on Wednesday, or your can drop by the church during the day and do the service yourself. The liturgy is on the table at the back of the church.

And now, a good word from Nathan. I’ve only changed the name of his church to “St. Paul’s.”:

“You have the opportunity of a lifetime, and it’s right around the corner. You have the power to change lives and to strengthen our community of faith with just one phone call, an email, or the offer of a ride to church. If you are planning on being with us for all or any part of Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday), take a couple of minutes now to think of people whom you can be in touch with to invite to these transformational liturgies. And write their names down so you don’t forget! Ask yourself:

Who have I not seen in church recently whom I could touch base with and ask if I will see them at Easter or in Holy Week?

Is there anyone who doesn’t drive after dark to whom I could offer a ride to one of the evening services on Thursday or Saturday?

Am I able to give a lift to anyone on Sunday morning, especially to the combined 10 o’clock service on Easter Sunday?

Who would love the joyful experience of Easter at St. Paul’s?

Who needs to be here but isn’t?

Who is coping with any burden or grief or depression, and could use the support of a loving community?

Who can I introduce to Jesus through St. Paul’s?

If you are planning on being with us, and can think of just one name, you could change that person’s life forever.”

Thank you, Nathan! Beautifully put! Now let us go and do likewise!

p: (415) 456-4842