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Grieving Our Sister Dawn

My beloved siblings in Christ,

It is with both sadness and resurrection hope that I announce the death of our sister in Christ, Dawn Rice, this past Wednesday. Dawn had an unexpectedly fast decline but had been struggling with cancer for some time. Christopher and I were able to give her Last Rites while she was still conscious, and she received Christopher’s last blessing by making the sign of the cross. She communicated that she was ready to go be with the Lord.

It is very fitting that Dawn acolyted and hosted coffee hour on her last Sunday at St. Paul’s. In fact, she was scheduled to acolyte this Sunday too, and we have left her name in the bulletin as a mark of respect for her decades of dedicated love to this congregation. Demelza will be acolyting this Sunday in her honor.

Dawn’s funeral will be held this Thursday at 10am. Please join us in celebrating her life, mourning with those who loved her, and commending her soul to God. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

In Christ,