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General Convention and St. Paul’s Maintenance

Good morning, St. Paul’s,

I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your summer. Right now, 10,000 Episcopalians are gathered in Louisville, KY for our triannual General Convention. Please pray for them, and for our Diocese’s delegation in particular, as they elect new officers and define Episcopal Church policy on the pressing issues of our day. Traditionally, the Diocese of California has played a leading role in crafting General Convention’s agenda and direction.

Here at home, we are focusing on some maintenance at St. Paul’s over the next few weeks. Our parking lot will be resurfaced starting after this Sunday’s service and ending Saturday, July 6th.  For that reason, we are canceling our Wednesday Bible Study on July 3rd.

Additionally, our refrigerator broke and we are in the process of repairing it. Unfortunately, that means we will be canceling our St. Vincent lunch-packing ministry in July. We’ll resume as soon as the fridge is fixed!

Thank you all for your dedication to our community life together.
p: (415) 456-4842