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Fun BBQ Sunday 11:30am-1:00pm

Hello –

This Sunday is our fun BBQ featuring Jazz in the courtyard from a youth quintet and stations in Duncan Hall where people of all ages can write message of love and support to the people of Ukraine. One of the jazz musicians comes from a Ukrainian family.

Thank you to each of you who have made a next step and invited a friend or neighbor. Your little gesture is just what’s needed as we become a church that intends to grow.

As of today I have been in Covid isolation for eight days. Although my tests are still positive, I am asymptomatic and CDC guidelines say that if you asymptomatic but testing positive, you can re-engage with the world after 5 days. So, I will be going shopping later today, going to church meetings tomorrow and be there on Sunday to celebrate and be a part of the BBQ, all wearing a mask. Thank you for all your prayers and support during my isolation.

p: (415) 456-4842