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Four Things for the New Year

Hello –

Happy new year, lads and lasses. Here are four things at St. Paul’s:

1. Be Still. This Transcending Contempt practice group begins this Saturday at 8:45am in Duncan Hall. Learn daily practices to move from being anxious to being centered.

2. Epiphany Pageant. The liturgy of the word at our 10am service this Sunday will be our annual Epiphany Pageant.

3. Epiphany Prayers on January 6th 5-6 p.m. in the Nativity Sanctuary (333 Ellen Drive, San Rafael).  Join us for candlelight contemplation followed by Evening Prayer.  Co-hosted by Nativity and St. Paul’s.

4. Teen Success Breakfast returns this year. Email me at and I’ll connect you with Candy, who is putting together teams and scheduling folks to do a one time “come and see.”

p: (415) 456-4842