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Five Good Things

Hello –
Here are five good things unfolding at St. Paul’s:

1. De Colores Ribbon Cutting. On the morning of Saturday, August 14th, the mayor, a Marin Councilpreson, the local media and lots of families will be on our campus for the grand ribbon cutting for the De Colores Children’s Center. We are responsible for hospitality and Katie and Janie are looking for folks to come help and to welcome our new friends onto our campus. Email me at and I’ll connect you with Janie.

2. Cara Meredith will be preaching this Sunday, as she will the second Sunday of each month for the nest six months. As we all explore Reclaiming Sabbath, she’s going to be paying particular attention to women and particularly moms.

3. Nancy Skinner is craving church! Chloe will be picking her up and brining her this Sunday. Might you be able to help in the future? I’d like to make sure she comes at least once a month. She’s at the Redwoods.

4. Contemplative Hour. On Sundays from 6pm to 7pm come for an hour of quiet. We are creating an hour-long experience of centered silence with vey low barriers to participation. Come help us.

5. Join a Team. The word “liturgy” means “work of the people,” and that’s very true at St. Paul’s. In addition to our choirs, acolytes, Altar Guilders and ushers we now have an AV Club. Which one is the right fit for you? Helping make worship happen deepens your experience of worship. Email me to explore.

p: (415) 456-4842
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