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Book Club: With Gladness – Answering God’s Call in Our Everyday Lives

Join these interactive conversations on Saturdays, February 20 – March 27, 9a.m.
PST with author and The Reverend Christopher H. Martin as he discusses his
newest book – With Gladness – Answering God’s Call in Our Everyday Lives and
introduces Lenten practices.
During this hour-long meeting, Christopher unpacks a new chapter each week,
sharing a series of gentle practices to help people embrace a new and
ancient way of being a Christian in our world, body, and soul. Just as a
chiropractor may realign your body, the practices in this book will help
realign your soul. Martin has mined scripture, theologians, poets, and
fellow faith pilgrims to develop this guide for modern-day disciples seeking
to move through their ordinary days with gladness and singleness of heart.
Return each week to share the results of one or more of those practices.
What worked, what didn’t?  What surprised you the most?  How did a practice
tweak your spiritual outlook or soul?
With Gladness – Answering God’s Call in Our Everyday Lives is his second
book; the first is The Restoration Project.

To buy the book and sign up for the class –