Hello –
• You’re invited to join Christopher and me as we pray the Compline service from the Book of Common Prayer.
We’ll start at 9:00 pm on Wednesdays, and the service takes just about 15 minutes. There’s time in the service for petitions and thanksgivings, and it’s a beautiful, peaceful way to end the day, and to connect with others from St. Paul’s mid-week. We hope you’ll join us this week or in the coming weeks.
We like to light a candle and you may wish to light your own candle. Soon you’ll be receiving a candle from St. Paul’s.
Please bring your Book of Common Prayer if you have one.
Here’s the simple link:
• And, tomorrow Lorrie and I receive a shipment of 100 pillar candles and a decal with our rosette window to put on each of them. Next week, on Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to 2pm at least one of us will be in the Courtyard to socially distance visit with you as you come to pick one up, (with your mask on!) if you like. If your prefer to have it delivered to your home, perhaps with a socially distant visit, please email me at c.h.mrtn@gmail.com.
The idea is that you can light this candle any time you pray with others from St. Paul’s, particularly at one of our three weekly distance worship services- Eucharist at 10am on Sunday, Morning Prayer at 7:30amon Tuesdays and, now, Compline at 9pm on Wednesdays.
• Finally, don’t forget to sign up to be a part of the next round of six week small groups. Here again is the link:
And here’s a full description:
A Pilgrim’s Journey: Six-Week Small Groups
Join three to four other Marin Episcopalians for weekly meetings to explore how the classic pilgrim’s Psalms, 120-134, apply to your life as a Christian. With others, discover how you can apply the powerful language and images of these songs to your relationship with God.
There are three steps:
1. Follow the link above to fill out a very brief form.
2. On August 12th, leaders from St. Paul’s and Nativity will put together the groups, assigning a leader to each.
3. The group leader will help you all find a time to meet on Zoom, to begin on or after Sunday, August 16th.
Each hour-long meeting will begin with a simple format, based on the liturgy for Discipleship Groups. After a brief check-in, using a brief form called the Examen, members will consider together a few psalms, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer. These groups are a powerful and proven way to help you connect with others and keep your spiritual life vital in this time of pandemic.