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Church is Open Today: 10am-2pm

Hello –

The church will be open today, election day, from 10am to 2pm. You are welcome to come in and pray. As is our custom, there will be a temperature checker, wipes and a sign in book. Please wear a mask.

Most of the time, I will be in the courtyard if you wish to have a little distance visit.

Regardless, please spend a little time praying for our country today.

Finally, here’s a very brief recap of the Communion/Consecration Sunday schedule this Sunday, November 8th:

10:00am: Distance Worship on Facebook Live. Small chalices are blessed on the altar.

10:50am: All are invited to fill out their Consecration Sunday cards at this time.

11;00am: Either you come to the church to drop off your card, (if you filled one out) and pick up communion and lunch, or we come to you. You don’t need to fill out a card to get communion and lunch, but you do need to tell us ahead of time that you want lunch so we can order it for you. (email me at if you haven’t already let us know.)

12:00pm: Return to Facebook Live for a blessing and to have us all partake of communion at the same time. We then eat lunch.

12:30pm: The results of Consecration Sunday are announced on Facebook Live.

Stay safe today and be sure and vote if you haven’t already!

p: (415) 456-4842