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Christmas Cards to Death Row

Hello –

Last week we filled two large barrels to overflowing with much needed items for the homeless of all ages in San Rafael. Yay us!

Our next shared project is to send Christmas cards to our nine brothers-in-Christ on San Quentin’s Death Row. We did this for the first time last year and the men were just blown away. For many, it was the most Christmas Cards they had ever gotten their whole lives.

There are two ways you can do this.

1. By emailing me ( or by getting the list at church, get the addresses and write the cards from home. This year, we include a brief description of each man so you can add a little personal note.

2. I’ve set up nine stations in the Upper Room. At each station is a stack of cards, the addresses and descriptions, and for 8 out of the nine guys, a picture and maybe also something they’ve sent us- one wrote a book, three make paintings and several others have already sent us Christmas cards. The ninth man is the son of Sue, who is a friend of St. Paul’s and stays every weekend at Don and John’s house. There are pens, so just settle down and write as many cards as you like, up to all nine.

This is a powerful ministry. It is a great way to follow the spirit of Jesus’ teaching that when we visit our brothers or sisters in prison, we visit Him.


p: (415) 456-4842