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Newsletter (Page 41)

Welcome Back!

Hello – Our parking lot, courtyard and three bathrooms are all done now and they look fantastic. We are now a campus transformed. The warmth and beauty of our sacred space has now spread to places of welcome and community gathering throughout the campus. Improvements have continued in Duncan Hall and, most dramatically, upstairs, with…

Four Invitations

Hello – Here are four invitations for you: • This Sunday at 3pm Nativity Church will be having a Celebration of Renewal of Ministry. Bishop Marc will be there and I am honored to have been asked to preach. I know it would mean the world to our neighbors if we showed up in good…

Our Outreach Portfolio

Hello – Growing in the love of God involves an inward journey and an outward journey. In the last few weeks I’ve featured some of the ways St. Paul’s helps your inner journey- morning prayer, time to sit in silence in the church, bible studies and Basic Discipleship. Today, I want to run through what…

Courtyard Update From Pat Curtis

The Hardin Courtyard is finished except for the plaque and dedication ceremony. It truly sparkles with Generosity, Community and Stewardship. We all generously contributed to SPRIF III. We participated in community meetings to share our ideas. We all demonstrated that we cared deeply about St. Paul’s and wanted it to serve our community for years…

Brief Updates

Hello Everyone – Five things: • The new parking lot is complete but, in order to let it harden, will not be usable until Monday. The work on the downstairs bathrooms will take another week, and our various other design upgrades are almost, but not quite complete. Thanks for your patience! • I already have…

Imaginations Shaped

Hello – We are what we consume. You probably know the phrase “you are what you eat.” It’s also true that our imaginations are shaped by the media we feed it. At St. Paul’s this fall there are five invitations for you to feed your imagination with things that are good, true and beautiful. •…

Campus Improvements Continue

Campus Improvements Continue Hello – Don’t worry! This season of many campus improvements will soon come to an end! Remember, we are pursuing a great flurry of activity now so that we can enjoy and share our revived campus next year, the year of our 150th. In the meantime…. • The Hardin Courtyard is nearly…

The Baxters and August at St. Paul’s

Hello – It was such a joy to return from vacation yesterday and walk into the new Hardin Courtyard. When I left, we were still working on the soil and irrigation. Now there are plants, trees, benches and a beautiful rock, all chosen and set with great beauty and practical design. The last big missing…

July at St. Paul’s

Hello – I leave on vacation after services this Sunday. The Rev. Jim Ward will be ably covering worship services and pastoral care for the rest of the month. The Vestry and a strong team of volunteers will be keeping many things going in my absence. Here are just a few of the areas where…

Book for the Fall

Hello – Last week I wrote to you with a recommendation for your summer reading to feed your soul. The book is called A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, and despite the awkward title, it is both accessible and powerful. It’s a series of fifteen reflections on fifteen short psalms and how each can…