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Newsletter (Page 40)

Christmas Outreach Plus

Hello – December bears two strong and contradictory messages. The church asks us to be still and keep watch. (Jesus is coming!) Culture and family life tends to ramp up to a high pitch. At St. Paul’s, I want to largely simplify our messages this month to Isaiah and Outreach. Isaiah. This book gives us…

A New Season

Hello, This Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Advent, the time of preparation for the coming of Jesus. Here are three cool things to know: • Psalmathon. We kick things off on Saturday with our fourth Psalmathon. This where a group of us start at the beginning (“Happy are they who have not…

For Our Good

Hello – After this Sunday, we shift fully to the season of Advent when we are invited to prepare our hearts and so make room for Jesus. As we approach this shift in church season, I ask you, if you haven’t already, to take care of one last piece of important business. Please pledge. There…

We Care!!

Hello – As our major renovation efforts draw to a close- the scaffolding in front of the Rose Window is due to come down Friday- I write to you again about Nickel. You may remember that Nickel is a french expression for a place or a thing that is very well taken care of. We…

Gratitude and Generosity

Hello – Last Sunday your Vestry put on a wonderful brunch in celebration of gratitude. The participation exceeded expectations and the energy in the room was vibrant and good humored. It was yet another expression of our health and strength. The dynamics of the brunch reflected many of the values we do our best to…

List of Those Who Have Died

Hello – This Sunday is All Saints’ Sunday. Every year at All Saints’, just before Communion, I read aloud the Necrology, which is the list of all the loved ones in our larger community who have died in the last year. If you have a loved one who has died in the last year, please email…


Hello – This Sunday, after the 10am service, the Vestry, which is our board of directors, will be serving all of us a delicious brunch. There will be champagne and other delightful things to drink. The original inspiration for this new brunch was our Stewardship campaign. We give because we are grateful and we thought it very worthy to celebrate the gratitude…

Rich Offerings

Hello – The next ten days are particularly rich at St. Paul’s. The two things to remember most are that we are in the midst of our Stewardship season and that Chloe and I are hosting an Open House at our home in San Anselmo this Sunday from 4pm-6pm. Now here’s the whole array: • Stewardship.…

The Fires and The Courtyard

Hello – The fires in Sonoma and Napa continue to be in all of our hearts. The smoke and the news are constant reminders that our neighbors to the north are going through an incredibly stressful and disorienting time. For some of us, the impact of the fires has been even more direct as some have volunteered…

Volunteers Needed

Hello – I’ve been asked to share the following with you: Christine at St Vincent’s asks “We are currently advising all congregations to send their interested parishioners to to sign up to be on the volunteer list for the disaster response. We are coordinating a countywide effort for volunteers only through CVNL. The County has informed…