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Newsletter (Page 3)

Back to School BBQ

Hello – This Sunday is our annual Back to School BBQ in the Hardin Courtyard right after the 10am service. Join us for some grilled food prepared by St. Paul’s dads and some tasty sides and fun music. In addition, at 11:30am and Noon, in Duncan Hall, Erin will be sharing a compelling multi-media presentation…

Betty, Nativity and Hosea

Hello – As we begin the month of August there are three things to know. 1. Betty Hardin died of a heart attack yesterday. She was 93 years old and, as many of you know, has been part of the St. Paul’s family since the 1960s when her husband, Hugh, began serving St. Paul’s as a…

IJ Article About Erin! (Plus)

IJ Article About Erin! (Plus) Hello – On the cover of the Lifestyles section of the Marin IJ this morning is a wonderful article and interview about Erin. It’s title is Profound Experience: San Rafael woman gets ordained as Episcopal Priest. It’s a must read! Here’s the link: Congratulations, Erin and thank you, Judy, for…

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events Hello, St. Paul’s! A few notes about our life together in this upcoming month: Dawn Rice’s funeral will be this Thursday at 10am. It will also be livestreamed and recorded on our YouTube and Facebook pages. Please join us to celebrate her incredible life and grieve with her family. Christopher will return from…

Grieving Our Sister Dawn

My beloved siblings in Christ, It is with both sadness and resurrection hope that I announce the death of our sister in Christ, Dawn Rice, this past Wednesday. Dawn had an unexpectedly fast decline but had been struggling with cancer for some time. Christopher and I were able to give her Last Rites while she…

General Convention and St. Paul’s Maintenance

Good morning, St. Paul’s, I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your summer. Right now, 10,000 Episcopalians are gathered in Louisville, KY for our triannual General Convention. Please pray for them, and for our Diocese’s delegation in particular, as they elect new officers and define Episcopal Church policy on the pressing issues…

Happy Juneteenth and Taste Communities

Hello – I hope you are all enjoying a restful and reflective Juneteenth! Exciting news–we have our first date for our new young adult dinners, the Taste Community. The first Taste Community gathering will be July 12th at 6pm for young adults ages 18-mid 30s. This event is about creating a community for those who feel…

Antecommunion and Pastoral Care

Hello St. Paul’s family, This week, we’re trying something new and jumping into Antecommunion. Antecommunion means Before Communion, and true to its name, the first half of the service will look exactly the same as the service you’re used to. Then, after the offertory, we will pray the Lord’s Prayer and be dismissed. We’ll do…

Four Things

Hello – Four things to take you through the next ten days at St. Paul’s: 1. This Sunday we will all be renewing our Baptismal Vows as a way to honor Hadly, Camilla and Madi, who will have been confirmed on Saturday, and Justin and Skylar, two condemned prisoners who will have been baptized on…