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Newsletter (Page 25)

Great Commandment Groups

Hello – We’ve got 20 folks signed up for the Great Commandment Groups and it looks like we’re set from some great discussions of who our neighbor is now and how we are to love them. We’ve extended the deadline to sign up until noon tomorrow. Please follow the link below and answer the quick…

Great Commandment Groups

Hello – Starting in June there will be small groups of 4 to 6 people that meet weekly for 6 weeks to ask “who is my neighbor in this time of pandemic, and how am I to love them?” The meetings takes place at a time and with a technology or in a place safe…

Worship, Coffee Hour, Groups

Hello – Three links for your Sunday morning. 1. Go to to join worship this morning at 9am. Next week, and for the summer, the distance worship shifts to 10am. 2. Go to to join coffee hour at 9:50am. Coffee hour will start 10:50 beginning next week. 3. Go to to answer 4 logistical questions and so…

Put Prayer in Your Back Pocket

Hello – In May, I’ve been focusing on Prayer. In June, we start Great Commandment Groups, focus on Service and, God and the County of Marin willing, start Courtyard Worship at 8am on Sundays. So we have some good things coming down the pike. But we always strive to keep a balance. We follow Jesus together in worship,…

This Week’s Quick Hits

Hello – • If you have a birthday or anniversary in May, email me so we can pray for you by name on Sunday. • A week from Sunday, on May 31st, Distance Worship will be at 10am and, as has been our tradition on Pentecost, will be shared worship with Nativity. From then on,…

Quick Hits

Hello – Various things to know… • Tonight at 5:30pm is the bimonthly meeting of the Death Row Ministry. Writing one of the 20 brothers we know on the Row is one of the few avenues of service open to us. Email Richard at for the Zoom link. • Saturday at 9am I offer a short…

Pray and Worship

Hello – We follow Jesus together in prayer, worship and service. 1. PRAY. Tomorrow at 9am join a Zoom meeting where Chris O. will share one of his gentle introductions to Centering Prayer and then lead us in a 20 minute sit, followed by a bit of discussion. Email me at the invite. Share the…

Worship and Coffee Hour Sunday

Hello – As has been our norm since mid-march we will be offering live worship at 9am on the St. Paul’s Facebook Page. We will also be joined virtually by the people of Nativity. The Rev. Kirsten Snow-Spalding received a call that her mother is going home from the hospital in Massachusettes into hospice care. She…

3 Quick Things

Hello – 1. Did you have a birthday or anniversary in April? Let know at so we can pray for you by name on Sunday. 2. This Sunday is a virtual Mom’s Mini-Retreat from 4pm to 5pm. Email Karin at so she can send you the Zoom link. Let her know whether you would like the…