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Bible Studies and Christmas

Hello –

This week I have two sets of announcements, one about our Bible Studies, the other about Christmas.

1. Bible Studies. As it happens, both of our Bible Studies switch to new books this coming week.

On Wednesday the 10am Bible Study begins reading the book of Ruth, and then we will go one to read the book of Esther. Both of these short books are great stories featuring great women and don’t require any previous knowledge of scripture to understand and appreciate. Email Michael at for the Zoom link.

Next week, our Thursday at 6pm Bible Study begins to read Paul’s short and profound letter to the Colossians. We will follow that with reading the Gospel of Mark. Email Tanner at for the Zoom link.

2. Christmas at St. Paul’s:

• Building on the extraordinary success of Consecration Sunday, Christmas at St. Paul’s will have three steps:

Wednesday Night, the 23rd. At 5pm we will have a half hour distance Eucharist service where I will bless many Truevine small chalices. Each small plastic chalice has a sip of wine or grape juice and a bit of bread. The service concludes with singing O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

Thursday Day, the 24th. Either come to St. Paul’s to pick up your Truevine chalice or chalices, or email me at and I’ll be sure that we deliver to you.

Thursday Evening, the 24th. At 5pm we’ll have a Christmas service that will include readings from our children and receiving communion all at the same time. Those who did not get blessed Truevine chalices will be encouraged to take a sip of wine or juice and eat a bit of bread from home.

• If you would like to donate to our Christmas Greening in memory or thanksgiving of  someone you love, please visit to pay with Paypal or a credit card.  There is no specific dollar amount required.  Your gift and dedication will be acknowledged in the service bulletin.

• Christmas Cards for Death Row

For the last five years, we have set out Christmas Cards in Duncan Hall and the people of St. Paul’s have written cards to 20 men on the Death Row who are part of our ministry. The reactions we got from the men were overwhelmingly positive. Any contact from the outside means the world to them. This year, please consider doing this Christmas ministry by:

1. Buying a package of Christmas Cards (without glitter).
2. Getting the list of inmates from Christopher ( or Richard (
3. Sending cards to as many of the men as you like, making sure to include a kind sentence or two.

No one one your Christmas Card list will appreciate a card more!

p: (415) 456-4842