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Posts by Communications Manager (Page 74)

Four Starts Next Week

Hello – Four things start next week at St. Paul’s: • Marin Morning Prayer starts on both Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30am. This half hour service, led by lay people, is a beautiful, dignified and simplified version of Morning Prayer from the BCP. People hang out for coffee in Duncan Hall afterwards. • All Bible…

Update Your Member Info or Make a Pledge Online With Our New Realm Database

Did you you know that the St. Paul’s Directory & Pledging System is now online in a new members’ only, cloud-based system?  Realm gives you the ability to update and maintain your own contact information, pledge online, review your contributions history, and print your own year-end statements.  Realm also allows groups of people, such as St. Anne’s Guild, Bible…

Crucifixion of the Images

Dear Friends- This morning I promised to send a written version of a powerful, long and dense quote I used in my sermon from the 20th Century English mystic, Austin Farrer. It is an expression of a spiritual path called the Via Negativa. As I shared in the sermon, I have been regularly pondering this…

Book Passage Photos from Christopher’s Reading

He’s in good company… See photos of regulars at this book store like Anne Lammott, Isabelle Allende, and Barak Obama (ha!).  Most in the audience were from St. Paul’s and his “brother congregation” Grace Marin (Presbytarian), but there were several people there who were just drawn there after reading the description in the flyer/webpage. ~…