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Posts by Communications Manager (Page 27)

Easter Morning at Virtual St. Paul’s

Hello – Last Sunday, a parishioner was watching the Palm Sunday service when his spouse walked in, looked at the screen and said “Wow! That’s beautiful!” After the service, two musicians wrote Mike Struck and said that the sound of the organ was “perfect.” Thanks to Jacob, we are now broadcasting a high quality service,…

Palm Sunday

Hello – This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Our virtual service will be at 9am as usual on Facebook Live. Facebook Live at No Facebook account is required to view the livestream. If you haven’t yet joined us, please try the above link now. You will get requests to join Facebook on the way in, but you…

Thank You for Your Patience!

Hello – Two of the things we can all do to stay healthy and balanced as we shelter-in-place are to attend to ritual and rhythm. Our major effort these last few weeks has been to connect us virtually for our most important weekly ritual of Sunday worship and the rhythm of our ordinary gatherings through the…

Links for Sunday’s Worship and Discussion

Hello – Join us tomorrow for virtual worship. Come to your screen prepared with a piece of bread and perhaps a sip of wine or juice for a virtual blessing at the appropriate time. Here’s the link: And join us afterwards at 10:15am when we will virtually discuss Gerard Manley Hopkins’ great poem God’s…

Sunday and Holy Week

Hello – First of all, our Bible Study of the Gospel of John continues tonight at 6:15pm, and you’re welcome to jump in. Email me at and I’ll send you the Zoom invitation. We’re on Chapter 6. Second, we continue to work on improvements to the Sunday 9am Facebook Live Service. We’re learning as we’re going. We…

Virtual St. Paul’s This Week

Hello – In addition to ongoing phone calls, we continue our efforts to connect as many of us together as possible via phone, Zoom and Facebook Live. • Our Sunday 9am Worship had at least over 75 people watching it live and well over 120 people total who looked at it at one point or…

Link for Tomorrow’s Worship (Sunday)

Link for Tomorrow’s Worship (Sunday) Hello – Here’s the link to join us for live worship tomorrow at 9am: Libby will be leading us in music. For the offertory we’ll be singing the following hymn, which Libby taught the children. Here are the lyrics if you’d like to sing along: I want to walk…

Virtual St. Paul’s

Hello – In the last few days we’ve made some solid strides toward setting up a Virtual St. Paul’s to keep up our sense of connection in this time of isolation. • Worship on Sundays at 9am on Facebook Live. This coming Sunday, we will have better camera equipment and, you don’t have to have…

Setting Up Virtual St. Paul’s

Hello – Our work together this week is setting up virtual St. Paul’s so that we can stay connected in this time of physical isolation. Starting next week you will have the opportunity to virtually gather with people from St. Paul’s on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Tuesday Morning Prayer at 7:30am. Richard O. will lead…