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Posts by Communications Manager (Page 2)

Four Things for the New Year

Hello – Happy new year, lads and lasses. Here are four things at St. Paul’s: 1. Be Still. This Transcending Contempt practice group begins this Saturday at 8:45am in Duncan Hall. Learn daily practices to move from being anxious to being centered. 2. Epiphany Pageant. The liturgy of the word at our 10am service this Sunday will be…

Dip Your Toe in the Water

Hello – At St. Paul’s we follow Jesus together in worship, prayer and service. Here are four ways to dip your toe in the water of our service in the next few weeks. 1. This Sunday sing Christmas Carols with Mike and Peggy at the San Rafael Health Care Center right after the 10am service at this facility…

Through Christmas

Hello – We are fresh off of two extraordinarily successful events. The Singalong was the best yet with great music, lots of singing and an infectious warmth and joy. Last night’s distribution of Christmas gifts to the 36 children of the De Color’s preschool couldn’t have been more lovely, cute and moving. Thank you to…

Schedule Through Epiphany

Hello – Here are the major events in the next month at St. Paul’s, from this Saturday’s preview of Be Still to the Epiphany Pageant on Sunday, January 5th. 12/14  Be Still: A Preview. 9am in Duncan HallAn hour long combination of teaching and discussion for a Transcending Contempt Practice Group. 12/16   Singalong for Saints and…

Schedule Through Christmas

Hello – Here’s a quick rundown of the major events into early January at St. Paul’s. 11/23   Saturday   Death Row Christmas Cards. Join us at 3pm in Duncan Hall for music and snacks as we write simple Christmas Cards to our 20 friends on the Row. 12/14   Saturday   Preview of Be Still. Come at…

Six Sundays to Christmas

Hello – This Sunday we do two things to mark the shift toward remembering the birth of our Lord. First, we honor one of the Old Testament images for Jesus, the Wisdom from on high, by the choir chanting at the beginning of the service and an image on a small banner. Each Sunday we…

An Email That’s Not From Me

Hello – There seems to be a particularly tricky email going out right now that pretends to be from me. Please always check the email that it’s coming from. If it’s not or, it’s not from me. If you got one of these, I don’t think you’ve been hacked. Rather people hunt around to find emails…

A Prayer, Prayer and a Movie

Hello – Here are three things to strengthen your soul through the election: 1. A PrayerAlmighty God, to whom we must account for all our peers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that, by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be…