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A Last Word

Hello –

Chloe and I leave tomorrow for a three week vacation. While I’m gone, I have one request. Please invite the families in your life to the Back to School BBQ on Sunday, August 14th.

When I return, we will acknowledge the completion of the first year of being on our five year Runway for growth. The Runway will determine our future. The Runway is based on the assumption that churches no longer grow by attraction, they grow by relationships. The success of our public events, like the Back to School BBQ, is based on our collectively inviting the people we know to come and see us for themselves.

At the back of the church is a pile of postcards. Please take 5 of them and share them with anyone you know with children and youth- neighbors, folks at the grocery store, the children and grandchildren of your friends.

The event will feature fine food, a terrific youth jazz ensemble and the opportunity to write message of love and support to families we are connected to in Odessa, Ukraine. It will be from 11:30am to 1pm. It’s going to be a marvelous event, a morale boosting way for children and youth to start a new school year. “The more, the merrier,” and the “more” part of that phrase depends on each of us. Let’s go out there and invite the families of Marin!

The Rev. Jim Ward will be covering for me this Sunday and will be baptizing Elijah. The Rev. Lynn Oldham-Robinett will then be covering he next two Sundays. You will be in great hands. Have a blessed rest of July.

p: (415) 456-4842