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Antecommunion and Pastoral Care

Hello St. Paul’s family,

This week, we’re trying something new and jumping into Antecommunion. Antecommunion means Before Communion, and true to its name, the first half of the service will look exactly the same as the service you’re used to. Then, after the offertory, we will pray the Lord’s Prayer and be dismissed. We’ll do this on Sunday and twice more during Christopher’s vacation. This is a way for us to continue worshipping together on Sunday mornings when we don’t have a priest present.

If you are in need of pastoral care while Christopher is away, or if you just want to talk, I’ll be in the office on Wednesday mornings (and sometimes on Friday mornings, too). Or, you can call the church phone and leave a message. I hope to get to know many of you better over the summer as I settle into being your curate.

As a reminder, Lorrie is away from the church this week. If you need anything in the meantime, please send me an email at

Know that you are all in my prayers.

In Christ,

p: (415) 456-4842