Online Directory/Pledges
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Photo Directory V. 1

Photo Directory V. 1

Hello –

We are well on our way to creating a wonderful tool to help build our community- a directory of faces, birthdays and small group participation. Right now, and through labor day, there are two matching three ring binders, one one each of the round tables in Duncan Hall, with all the pictures of our extended St. Paul’s family we have taken so far. Please check them out!

When you do, you’ll notice that you have three options:

1. If you haven’t had your picture taken yet, please find Chloe and she’ll take your picture.
2. If you haven’t filled out a birthday/small groups form, please do so. They’re on the table with pens and you can just leave your filled out form on the table.
3. If you’ve already done both, please check out your page in the binder and make any changes you’d like.(Please, no drawing of mustaches on the Rector.)

In September, we intend to make two more versions of the Directory. We plan to have two copies with all the information, one to be kept in the office, the other in Duncan Hall. We also plan to make a version with just faces, names and birthdays, with many faces on a page, as a quick reference guide for all of us to take home.

So please, get your picture taken or, if you can’t come on Sundays, send in a good profile picture to Lorrie at

We then intend to refresh the directory from time to time, particularly focusing on Pentecost when we celebrate the birth of the church.


p: (415) 456-4842