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Hello –

Sunday is the feast of Pentecost, when we remember the birth of the church in wind, flames and speaking in many tongues. It is also the first of our annual Pentapalooza celebrations.

This summer marks the one year anniversary of St. Paul’s being on a Runway for Growth. Deliberately, strategically and with many and repeated conversations, we are becoming a church built to grow. Like the Angel Tree Project, the Christmas Singalong for Saints and Sinners and May Day, Pentapalooza marks a significant step forward for us on the Runway for Growth.

Here’s how Pentapalooza will work. After church, there will be coffee hour in the courtyard. All will then be invited to then hit three stations in sequence.

• First, you will be invited to stand by the frosted window with our logo while Chloe takes your picture for our new photo directory and Valerie hands you a piece of paper and a our new solid St. Paul’s pen.

• Next, you walk though Duncan Hall where six of us stand at six card tables, each representing a collection of small groups. For example, Judy will be at a table with our Worship groups, Mike with our Outreach groups and Tanner with our Study Groups. You will be invited, on your piece of paper, to mark by the names of groups “I Already Participate” or “Tell Me More.”

• Finally, you walk out the door to Duncan Hall by the top of the ramp, where Lorrie will be behind a table. You drop off your piece of paper and Lorrie invites you to take our new canvas bag, our new water bottle or our new pad of note paper, on the condition that you promise to use them in public. We want to get our cool logo out into the public of Marin.

On Sunday, we celebrate the church. We have much to celebrate at St. Paul’s. We also have good work to do as we strengthen our resolve to grow through a new directory, a deepening commitment to small groups and a visibility campaign with our great new swag.

Come worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness this Sunday and help us grow!

p: (415) 456-4842