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Learn to Love Wednesday 7pm

Hello –

Tomorrow night I invite you to use your imagination to learn to love your neighbor.

In Duncan Hall and on Zoom, at 7pm, I offer a one hour class. The heart of the class will be two teachings. In the first, I offer a spectrum of ways we treat other people, from contempt to reverence to responsibility. Next I offer everything a reader needs to read a short chapter from a novel by Dostoevsky.

We gather again the next Wednesday, June 8th, to discuss the chapter. How did the characters treat each other? Does it remind you of any of the ways you have treated others? I will then introduce another chapter, which we’ll discuss at the next class. The first chapter is a carnival of contempt. The next two chapters showcase deep reverence and even stirring examples of taking responsibility.

Dostoevsky has frequently been called the world’s greatest novelist. He’s also a profound Christian. By reading these three chapters, and humbly using our imaginations, I believe we are going to emerge with a better sense of how to practically love the people in our own lives.

I just emailed the Zoom link and the two little class packets to five people who I know will be joining us on Zoom, or perhaps afterwards on YouTube. Email me at if you would also like the Zoom link and the packet. And forward this email to anyone in your life who you think might be interested in learning to love through great literature.

Otherwise, just show up in Duncan Hall. I already have everything we need for tomorrow night set up there, ready to help us begin the teaching and our conversations.

I look forward to learning to love my neighbors by using my imagination with you and with the help of Dostoevsky.

p: (415) 456-4842