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Transparent Leadership, Spiritual Depth and Church Growth

Hello –

First of all, a quick reminder that Evensong is at 7pm tonight in the church and I’ll be including prayers in recognition that this week is the 25th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood.

As to the long title of this email, those three phrases are the three things we will attempt to demonstrate in our hour-long Annual Meeting this Sunday, February 6th.

The meeting will begin at 11:10am both in the church and on Zoom.

Here’s the Zoom link:

And here’s the agenda:

11:10    Adoption of Agenda and Election of Vestry and of Deanery Representatives

11:15    Treasurer’s Report- John McDermott

11:30    Senior Warden’s Report- Michael Green

11:40    RenewalWorks Group Report- Jacob Moody

11:50    Rector’s Report- The Rev. Christopher H. Martin

12:00    Closing Prayer

The nominees for Vestry are Valerie Z, Tom B and Doug S and the nominees for Deanery Representatives are Chris O and Alex R.  We will ask if there are further nominees and then vote. Judy will be managing the votes and the questions through Zoom.

Please join us for this essential annual tradition. It used to always be on Super Bowl Sunday, but then they moved the Super Bowl on us!

p: (415) 456-4842