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Four Things

Hello –
Four Things:

1. Last call for the Necrology. This Sunday, I read aloud the names of all the loved ones from our greater St. Paul’s family who have died in the last year. Email me the name of a loved one at if you would like their name read aloud.

2. The Angel Tree project for the children of the De Colores Children’s Center on our campus is well under way. We have about 30 more angel trees that need to be picked up. Each contains a specific suggestion form a parent of what their child needs or would like, to cost between $30 and $40. This is a perfect opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to participate and so find out how we roll here at St. Paul’s! Angels are on the trees in the Narthex, on the way into church.

3. Bishop Marc visits St. Paul’s on Sunday, December 5th. The Diocese granted us $40,000 of assessment relief in order to help us extend our runway for growth. This is a great opportunity to thank him!

4. We have postcards now that have a Christmas decoration on a tree and on the back say:

Christmas Singalong for Saints & Sinners
Join us for a jolly evening of carol singing!
Monday, December 20- 7pm
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
1123 Court St.
Admission: Non-perishable food for Ritter Center
St. Paul’s Choir, Woodwind Trio, Novato Music Association Choir- under the direction of Mike Struck
Masks Required.

Please take five postcards from the back of the church and give them to the people you meet in your life, from friends and neighbors to the friendly check out people at the grocery store. We have so much to offer that people will love!

p: (415) 456-4842