Hello –
Chloe and I have both taken a test and, so far, we are both negative.
We have been very good about following safety protocols at St. Paul’s. On Sunday, and at other times, we have followed social distancing and have worn masks. Our doors will be open for the 10am service this Sunday and we will continue to encourage safe practices. Nancy was vaccinated as has been everyone that I have talked to at St. Paul’s so far. If you have not yet gotten the vaccination, please do so.
Please pray for Nancy and please pray that others stay healthy. Her symptoms so far are relatively mild.
Two other things:
• The ribbon cutting for De Colores Child Center is tomorrow at 10am. It will be one of the most significant events in recent St. Paul’s history. The media and civic leaders will be there. Please show your support by being there too.
• There will be no distance worship this Sunday on Facebook Live or YouTube. Neither Jacob or his two volunteers so far for the AV Club will be able to be there. Please consider joining this AV club so we can guarantee distance worship every Sunday.
Stay safe and remember God loves you.