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4 Things

Hello –

As advertised:

1. The book signing for my new book, With Gladness, is this Saturday from 9am to 10am. My friend the Rev. Suzanne Wille will be interviewing me and then we will open things up for questions. Here’s the link:

2. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries from January this Sunday. Please email me at if you or someone you love has a birthday or anniversary this month so we can name them aloud and pray for them.

3. The Annual Meeting is Sunday, February 7th at 11am on Zoom. Here’s the agenda:

11:00    Call to order, opening prayer and approval of agenda and slates of Vestry members     and Diocesan representatives.
11:05    Senior Warden Report- Buzz Wollam
11:10    Rector’s Report- The Rev. Christopher H. Martin
11:15    Treasurer’s Report- John McDermott

Please join us as there are some dramatic changes to our budget due to the change in pre-schools. A one page report and the financials themselves will soon be on our website,

4. Ash Wednesday is February 17th. There will be one distance worship service at noon. Christopher will then be at the drop-off curb on Court Street with mask and gloves, giving drive-by imposition of ashes, from 1pm to 3pm and from 5:50pm to 6:30pm.

Stay safe.

p: (415) 456-4842