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New Possibilities for a New Year

Hello –
Happy new year! 2021 brings a host of new possibilities for you to grow in your spiritual life here at St. Paul’s:

1. New Books in Bible Study. Tomorrow, Wednesday, the 10am Bible Study begins to read the great and short Old Testament story of Ruth. On Thursday, the 6pm Bible Study begins to read the short and powerfully urgent Gospel of Mark. Email me at for Zoom links.

2. New Small Groups. Tomorrow I will be sending a full email describing the possibilities for you to join one of our nine existing small groups or start a new one. These are vibrant and life giving ways to connect with fellow Christians in Marin.

3. New Book. My new book will be shipped starting tomorrow. Go to the Forward Movement web page now to see a one minute description I give, taped at St. Paul’s, on the contents of With Gladness. Here is the link.

4. New Preacher. On Sunday, January 24th, we welcome author Cara Meredith as our preacher. Color of Life is her Annie Lamott style memoir of her, as a white woman, falling in love with, marrying, and having children with, a black man. It is a personal journey of discovery with profound Christian themes. Here’s her book.

5. New Preschool. Beginning February 1st we host a new preschool on our campus. The school is directed by Community Action Marin which has a dozen campuses in Marin County, mostly serving communities in need. We expect that the children will come primarily from the Canal. You are invited to join Kati, Tanner, Jay and Lorrie in a group dedicated to praying about and thinking about how to welcome the new school and also the possibility of new ministry. If you wish to explore being a part of their conversation, email me at and I’ll be happy to connect you.

p: (415) 456-4842