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New College of Christian Practice: Winter Session

Winter Session 2019

Does God have a Call for your life? Do you know how to discern and act on that Call? Is there only one Call for each of us or does it change as our lives evolve? You’re invited to the Winter Session of New College to explore what God calls you to make and inspire you to make it. The Winter Session begins with three one-hour-long Saturday morning meetings in St. Paul’s, a beautiful 150 year old sacred space in San Rafael, where the Reverend Christopher H. Martin will offer a series of meditations and teachings on Call. These will suggest playful Stations of the Baseball Diamond responses to help you embrace them. If you are feeling courageous, you might even go out to an empty baseball field and engage in some imaginative, prayer-based play. These three meetings are January19th, 26th and February 2nd from 8:30 to 9:30am. Hospitality is offered at 8:00am. During the third meeting, we will form into small groups. These groups will meet for one-hour weekly during February and March, at a mutually convenient time, to further explore the teachings and begin incorporating them in your life. Finally, on Saturday April 6th we will gather for a final session to share experiences, lessons learned and what you intend to do with what you have learned. The Winter Session is $40 and includes parking, hospitality, and exclusive access to recordings of the teachings and instructions for exercises after each of the initialSaturday sessions. (Purchase now:
Saturday January 19 – Saturday January 26 – Saturday February 2
8:30 to 9:30am

Small Group Meetings Weekly February and March:
Each Group selects a time that is mutually convenient.

Final Meeting to share Experiences:
Saturday, April 6 8:30 to 11:00am

New College of Christian Practice is a center for Christian conversation and coaching with the goal of nurturing Seven Core Christian Practices: Prayer, Worship, Service, Generosity, Scriptural Fluency, Discerning Call and Joining a Structured Small Group.