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St. Paul’s Sends Snail Mail

Hello –

This week we will send out nearly 1000 letters. Many of us are busy worker bees folding and stuffing an stamping to send important letters to two different groups.

Tomorrow, a one page letter will go to nearly all of you that concisely describes who we are and where we’re going and the importance of your money to help us get there. Yes, it’s our annual stewardship drive, where we ask how much we can expect from each member of St. Paul’s so that we can create a responsible, balanced budget, which is what we’ve done every year for the past ten years. Please give generously.

Today, a letter goes out to 604 local businesses sharing the good news of St. Paul’s. In an effort to engage more deeply the community of San Rafael and the larger community of Marin, we’ve joined the Chamber of Commerce. We hope that one fruit of our Outreach will be that people recognize what an active and important citizen of Marin St. Paul’s is, and what a treasure our campus is- it’s a treasure used by over 500 people a week!

We hope some businesses might see the benefit in supporting our current effort to create a courtyard gathering place that’s safe, accessible and beautiful. But even more, we are making such a difference with our Outreach and we believe there could be mutual benefit to both local businesses and to St. Paul’s if we find ways to partner together.

Jesus says don’t hide your light under a bushel basket. Thank you to Maggie, Jay and Judy who are leading this exciting new effort of letting our light shine before Marin.

Finally, please know that we have postponed the Service as Spiritual Practice workshop for this Saturday. My colleagues and I intend to offer it in Lent, with hopefully enough lead time to communicate it adequately.


p: (415) 456-4842