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Opportunities for Lent

Hello –

In the next ten days St. Paul’s provides you with various ways to practice a Holy Lent.

Wednesday is Ash Wednesday with services at noon and 6pm. The noon service will be broadcast.

Thursday the 6pm Zoom Bible Study begins to read Paul’s great, short letter to the Phillipians.

Friday the parents gather at 5:45 for dinner and reflection, led by Erin, on encouraging the spiritual life of our children.

Saturday all are invited at 8:45am in Duncan Hall to explore the ministry of Discipleship Groups. At least ten folks have already said they’d be coming.

Sunday I begin a Lenten practice of a twenty minute Quiet Sit in my office starting at 9:10am each Sunday. All are welcome.

Wednesday the 12th the Wednesday Bible Study at 10am begins reading the Old Testament book of Daniel, filled with great stories and powerful images.

I invite you to keep a holy Lent.


p: (415) 456-4842