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3 Efforts for August

Hello –

Five months into the pandemic we at St. Paul’s continue to try new ways to keep us connected as we follow Jesus together in worship, prayer and service. There are three efforts in August.

1. This Sunday at 8am we begin Courtyard Worship. Space is limited to 20 people. If you’d like to join us for the debut (about 12-15 of us will be running a final dress rehearsal tomorrow) please go to this Eventbrite site and sign up:

2. In mid-August we begin our second round of six week small groups. After our successful first round we learned some good lessons from the six small groups and are optimistic that, once again, these groups will be a powerful experience. This time, we are adding a format similar to Discipleship Groups and reading Psalms 120-134 as a way to celebrate our own Christian Pilgrimage. Here’s the sign up:

3. Throughout the month of August we are going to be building a new way to make sure that we are all staying in touch the old school ways, through phone calls, letters, safe visits and a snail-mailed Epistle. But we’re going to need your help. Lorrie and I and others will be getting in touch soon asking who you are most concerned about and asking your help to both make those little gestures of care and attention that mean so much and, in a easy, no fuss way, letting us know what you’ve done so we can be sure that no one is falling through the cracks.

When the purpose of your organization is to bring people together in community, the restrictions of pandemic are a primal challenge. But by God’s grace, we can meet that challenge together and, together, continue to grow in our life in Christ.

p: (415) 456-4842